Healing - Self-Discovery

My Daily Affirmations For Healing Childhood Domestic Abuse

According to studies, millions of adults worldwide are survivors of childhood domestic abuse, enduring the impact of trauma well into their adult years. The scars left by such experiences can manifest in various forms, from emotional distress to physical ailments, shaping the way survivors perceive themselves and experience the world around them. As a survivor of childhood domestic abuse myself, I understand the weight and complexity of this unwanted burden.

Growing up in a home with domestic abuse has left its mark on me as an adult. However, through my journey of healing, I’ve discovered that while therapy was important, it’s the daily practices that sustain me. Sometimes, I find myself needing a little support in my daily life but don’t have much time to spare. Over the years, these affirmations have continued to provide me with comfort and strength. They are daily little reminders of my self-worth and resilience.

  1. It’s okay to relax now.I am loved and I am safe.
  1. I am creating a safe and happy life for myself.
  1. I am good enough, just as I am. I am special and have a right to be here.
  1. I am beautiful, inside and out. (Yes! You are!)
  1. I deserve love, respect, and happiness in my life.
  1. I can cry when I feel like it and it’s okay to heal at my own pace.
  1. I can ask for what I want. I can change my mind. I can say, no.
  1. I am capable, talented and powerful.
  1. I choose to surround myself with supportive and understanding people.
  1. I am precious and a treasure beyond value. I love you/me!

I hope these remind you of the indomitable spirit within you and the boundless potential for growth and renewal. You are not alone, and you are deserving of love, support, and healing. May you find solace and empowerment, and a sense of peace and hope to your heart.

You are worthy, you are resilient, and you are so beautiful.